Māmā and Pēpi

Hera Monaghan with her son Hōhepa

Those first moments together

a flurry of blood, love, tears

exhausted and raw

but an innate love like no other.

A moment where three lives began…

We walk up the maunga

ready to meet your Nan

all our tūpuna

e karanga mai ana…

Breastfeeding you 

my biggest challenge

and achievement. 

Waiū, liquid silver.

My body doesn’t look the same

but the moments we have spent together…

quietly, peacefully, intensely 

… are worth it.

Even when I was touched out, 

over it and sore, this is our time

growing our sacred connection…

Leaking milk

engorged Ū

sitting on a cushion

exhausted beyond belief.

All is overcome.

I nourish you 

hold you close

breathe you in 

our little team of toru…

Thank you

for nourishing my tama

while he was in my puku.

Time to return to Papatūānuku

and our ancestors to rest…

There it is again

a cold green tea.

He tohu o te Māmā…

Watching you grow is like watching my favourite Netflix Show; 

the episodes just keep getting better with each season…

You play

precisely random

imagination runs wild

oh so determined

My Little Explorer…

A birth of a pēpi

is also the birth of the Māmā. 

Thank you for choosing me…


We learnt about postpartum mental health

they tell you the warning signs

but when it happened to me

I couldn’t see through the nappies.

A deep, unconditional love;

a crippling anxiety. But I love him

so much? How can I be sad?

They never told us that

two things can co-exist – 

Love him, heal me…


I used to sit

meditating alone 

today looks different

Pukapuka flying

Māmā, māmā, māmā

He sits on top of me

Toys on my meditation 

cushion, head and lap

He brings me my journal 

Still at peace, but not so quiet 

And exactly how I want it to be…

Summer Storm

It’s just a different season, we would say

But we have never weathered this storm before.

I miss you even though you are right next to me

Stealing moments together of tired connection 

Short glances at each other with weary eyes

In between the daily tasks and dirty kope.

This summer looks so new, sunflowers hiding behind clouds

The rain falls and strong winds… Damn, we’re tired

But I wouldn’t want to weather this storm 

With anyone other than you…

Hera Monaghan

Hera Monaghan is a māmā and kaiako who enjoys free writing in her journal and writing poetry. She teaches tamariki aged 5-12 years.


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Kōrero with a Creative: Rilee Nepia-Owens