153 Fish

Image credit: Cameron Taylor

Image credit: Cameron Taylor

Leader of a religion, 

where I must bare my calves to heal others. 

I hold the power to ressurect in a society 

that does the most to demolish me. 


I speak wisdom like it’s the Bible, 

and the first commandment goes - 

‘If I can be brave, so can you!’ 

I’m a walking miracle. 

I couldn’t possibly let my flesh sway and vibrate like that,  

without being so, 

could I?  


Because when you look like me, 

self-love is just as miraculous 

as catching 153 fish.  

Cameron Taylor

Cameron Brooke Taylor (Ngāti Awa, Ngāpuhi) is a university student in Dunedin. After finishing her first year of studies, Cameron decided to drop that completely. Next year, she will be embarking on her first year of a creative writing degree. She is on a massive weight loss journey and has lost 10kgs in the last two months. Cameron is also a singer/dancer.

“I write about a personal topics that are close to my heart. I think it's so important for everyone to share their stories and words, it makes the world a much more beautiful and interesting place when we do. You never know who your words might help.”


In Our DNA

